
Family Dharma Service

Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin Family Dharma services are held weekly on Sundays beginning at 9:00 a.m.  Dharma School follows immediately after the Family Dharma Service. 

We now have hybrid in-person and Zoom Sunday Services!

Below is the Zoom information for our regular Sunday Services:

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 934 7060 7158

Passcode: HHHB 

Please contact for more information.



July 2024

7/7 9:00 a.m. Family Sunday Service 

(Speaker: Rimban Kazunori Takahashi) 

7/14 9:00 a.m. Obon Service 

(Speaker: Rev. Blayne Nakasone Sakata, Honpa Hongwanji Hawai’i Betsuin) 

7/21 9:00 a.m. Family Sunday Service and Monthly Memorial 

The Farewell Tea for the Kamuro family will be held after the service. 

(Speaker: Rev. Joshin Kamuro) 

7/28 9:00 a.m. Family Sunday Service 

(Speaker: Rimban Kazunori Takahashi) 

7/12 6:00 p.m. Hatsubon Service 

(Speaker: Rimban Kazunori Takahashi) 

7/13 5:00 p.m. Hatsubon Service 

(Speaker: Rev. Joshin Kamuro) 

7/13 7:00 p.m. Bon Dance 

The monthly memorial service for July will be held on Sunday, July 21, 2024. If you would like the

minister to call the name of your deceased family member(s) who passed away in the month of July

please let our office know.

Zoom Link, ID, and Passcode (Hilo Betsuin Services)

Meeting ID: 934 7060 7158

Passcode: HHHB

7/20 10:00 a.m. Kyogyoshinsho: Realization

Speaker: Rev. Henry Adams of San Mateo Buddhist Temple


For more information about the Online Buddhist Education Series, please visit:

Hongwanji Major Services:

Hoonko (Founder Shinran Shonin’s Memorial Service/January)

Spring Higan (at Spring Equinox/March)

Gotan-e (Founder Shinran Shonin’s Birthday Service/May)

Obon (Gathering of Joy/July)

Autumn Higan (at Autumn Equinox/September)

Eitaikyo (Sangha Memorial Service/October)

Other Special Services:

Hanamatsuri (Birthday celebration for Shakyamuni Buddha/April)

Eshinni/Kakushinni Day service (Memorial service for Shiran Shonin’s wife and


Bodhi Day (Celebration of Prince Siddhartha’ attainment of enlightenment as

Shakyamuni Buddha/December)

Monthly Memorial service

Scout Sunday service

Gakuen (Japanese school) service

Dharma School Awards service

Honor the Graduates service

Mother’s Day Appreciation service

Father’s Day Appreciation service

Keirokai &Intergenerational service

4-H Sunday service

Pet Memorial service

Veterans Appreciation service

BIBF (Big Island Buddhist Federation) joint service

Hanamatsuri (1 st Sunday in April)

Bodhi Day (1 st Sunday in December)

New Year’s Eve Service: December 31, 2024 at 9pm

New Year’s Day Service: January 1, 2025 at 9am